Barnhart Bros. & Spindler // LLP27
Publications linking to this publisher (21):Adstyle Type Styles (1923) Advertisers Gothics: A unique design (1923) Authors Roman Adstyle and the Authors Oldstyle (1912) Barnhards Big Blue Book, Containing Specimens, Superior Copper-Mixed Type Barnharts Stock Cut Catalogue Book of Type Specimens, Specimen Book No. 9 Catalog 25: Type Faces Cooper Italic is Ready Now! First Showing of the Cooper Series Foreign Language Type Faces Gothics Modernistic and Extraordinary Type Faces Munder Old Roman Family Pony specimen book and price list from Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Pony specimen book and price list from Barnhart Bros. & Spindler (1893) Preferred Type Faces Souvenir 1899 (1899) Specimen Book of Type The Pompeian Cursive Series The Popular Steelplate Gothic Series (1923)Designs linking to this publisher (20):Adstyle Advertisers Gothics Authors Roman Bamboo Bank Script Boul Mich Cooper Cubist Bold Demeter [BBS] Dresden Japanet Munder Old Dutch Old Roman Parsons Peking Plymouth Pompeian Cursive Steelplate Gothic Stillson
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