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  • Vendôme: La Vendôme Vend // LLC1060

    Publication released: 1954
    Linked publisher: Fonderie Olive // LLP60
    Linked typefaces: Vendôme // LLT1563
    Writing systems: Latin
    Continent: Europe
    Country: France
    Letter Library permanent ID: LLC1060


    4-page staple-bound booklet with 4-color printing. Seven loose leaf pages included, showing all the different variants of Vendôme. "ca. 1953" is noted on the cover, but the specimen includes Vendôme Étroit, which was released in 1954. Subtitle is a phrase repeated throughout that translates as "The Vendôme Sells." Specimen designed by Roger Excoffon. (Letterform Archive) 

    Collector’s Objects linking to this publication (1):
    Vendôme: La Vendôme Vend (Collector’s Objects)
    Letterform Archive

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