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Found 5 results

  1. Letter Library

    Vendôme: La Vendôme Vend // LLC1060

    4-page staple-bound booklet with 4-color printing. Seven loose leaf pages included, showing all the different variants of Vendôme. "ca. 1953" is noted on the cover, but the specimen includes Vendôme Étroit, which was released in 1954. Subtitle is a phrase repeated throughout that translates as "The Vendôme Sells." Specimen designed by Roger Excoffon. (Letterform Archive)
  2. 8-page staple-bound booklet with cardstock cover and 4-color printing. Specimen designed by Roger Excoffon (Letterform Archive)
  3. 20-page staple-bound booklet with one-color printing. Cover has 2 color printing, and specimen contains endsheets. (Letterform Archive)
  4. Letter Library

    Chambord, Mistral, Vendôme, Banco // LLC1055

    11 loose folios with folded cover. (Letterform Archive)
  5. Letter Library

    Fonderie Olive Séries Récentes // LLC1053

    Spiral bound specimen with hard cover and 2 color printing. (Letterform Archive)
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